Press Release

Best E-Commerce Brand In India
January 15, 2023
Yes!poho is honoured to receive an award from MR. ARBAAZ KHAN as the BEST E-COMMERCE BRAND IN INDIA in an event named as BRAND ICON OF THE YEAR 2023.
Yes!pho is different from other companies because we don’t treat employees as an employee they are the yespovian’s, and we don’t treat our customers as customer they all are guest for us, we treat them as our guest and sharing some yespovian quotes –
Raghuram Kuchibhatla founder and CEO of Yes!poho India Pvt Ltd:- “ My aim of my life is to improve the livelihood and social-economic conditions of the craftsmen and revive the dying culture of handloom and handicraft artisans. To provide a platform to weavers for direct engagement with the prospective customers. I believe in working with artisans at the grass-root level. Unlike any other e-Commerce or social community. I believe that working at the grass-root level helps us understand artisan’s pain points. While it helps build trust and relationships in the long run, the short-term gains are even higher when we interact with them at the grassroots.”
Meenakshi Dubey, COO of Yes!poho India Pvt Ltd:- “ I believe that everyone is talented, but they are not aware of it. I work with women artisans and help them to grow their business and support them in every way so that they can showcase their workmanship over the world.”

Yespoho featured in Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle on the occasion of World Saree Day
December 20, 2022
THE SAREE WILL ALWAYS BE IN VOGUE : – Somewhere between cultural pride and rows of cultural appropriation – the six yards of handwoven sari that we fondly claim as “qunitessential” indian “wear” has never failed to impress the wearer or the onlooker. A classic constant a in woman’s wardrobe, on world sari day we explore the modern twist in the tale of the humble loom sari and what’s keeping it relevant in time of fast fashion.

Yes!poho onboards 1700 Artists Under the Collaboration with the North Eastern Handicrafts and Handloom Development Corporation
December 20, 2022
The brand is known for working closely with Indian artist communities and providing them with means to upskill their art and empower their lives. The brand is set to expand its reach to the remotest parts of India by collaborating with artists from across the sub-continent. With the mission of aiding businesses of small village artists who are still stuck at the conventional ways of operating their businesses. With the collaboration, the brand shall feature new products and collections from the partnering artists in order to showcase their workmanship to the world. Yes!poho works on improving the socio-economic conditions of the partnering artists by reviving the dying handloom culture. The brand shall provide the weavers a platform for direct engagement with their patrons. “We believe that working at the grassroot level helps us understand the challenges faced by the artists, we also help the artists by educating them on online tactics of business management,” said Meenakshi Dubey, Co-founder, Yes!poho.”Click on the link and see our article:

Fashion brands are nurturing cultural heritage in collaboration with local artists
October 15, 2022
यस पोहो विशाखापट्टनम का एक टेक्नो एक्सपीरियंस प्लेटफॉर्म है जो देश के दूर-दराज इलाकों के कारीगरों को सीधे कस्टमर्स से जोड़ता है और उनकी कारीगरी को दर्शाकर कस्टमर्स को ये सुविधा भी देता है कि वो अपनी जरूरतों के हिसाब से अपने प्रोडक्ट्स को कस्टमाइज़ करा सकें। ये प्लेटफॉर्म न सिर्फ बुनकरों की सामाजिक और आर्थिक स्थिति में सुधार लाने की दिशा में काम करता है, बल्कि खरीदारों को एथनिक वियर की एक बड़ी रेंज भी उपलब्ध कराता है। ये प्लेटफॉर्म महिलाओं की फैशन की जरूरतों को पूरा करता है और उप्पदा साड़ियों से लेकर दारमावरम, पोचमपल्ली, इक्कत और डिजाइनर पैठानी साड़ियों सहित साड़ियों की कई और किस्मों का एक बड़ा कलेक्शन मुहैया कराता है। इतना ही नहीं, यस पोहो अपने कस्टमर्स को एथनिक सूट्स, कुर्ता सेट्स और ड्रेस मटीरियल्स की भी एक बड़ी रेंज ऑफर करता है। ये प्लेटफॉर्म कस्टमर्स के साथ देश भर के सभी कारीगरों से सीधे जुड़कर भारत के कोने-कोने से अपने एथनिक डिज़ाइनर आउटफिट्स हासिल करता है। यस पोहो कस्टमर्स को कई तरह की वैराइटी देने में यकीन रखता है और सही कीमत पर एक सुरक्षित और बढ़िया ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग एक्सपीरियंस देता है।Click on the link and see our article:

Yes!poho Celebrating 5 Years of its Inception – TIMES OF INDIA
October 15, 2022
The brand collaborates with NEHHDC aiming to help artists and craftsmen promote their business online New Delhi, Delhi, India (NewsVoir) Yes!poho takes the occasion of celebrating its 5 years of aiding the life of artists by connecting them to the right customers by partnering with the North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd. (NEHHDC) in order to uplift the livelihoods of artisans and showcase their beautiful creations across India and the world Click on the link and see our article

Yes!poho Celebrating 5 Years of its Inception – News Next
October 06, 2022
With the purpose of improving the livelihood and social-economic conditions of the craftsmen, the founders believe while it helps build trust and relationships in the long run, the short-term gains are even higher when they interact with artisans at the grassroots. Click on the link and see our article

Yes!poho Celebrating 5 Years of its Inception – Headlines of Today
October 06, 2022
According to Raghuram Kuchibhatla, Founder and CEO, Yes!poho, “My aim in life is to improve the livelihood and socio-economic conditions of the craftsmen and revive the dying culture of handloom and handicraft artisans. Most artisans lack digital readiness and fear online platforms for selling due to loss aversion. They generally exhibit status quo bias and hesitate to work with online platforms. They seek social proof from trusted people, such as friends, and in-person meetings to overcome fear, prolonging the process of lead generation and onboarding. Click on the link and see our article

Yes!poho Celebrating 5 Years of its Inception
October 06, 2022
The partnership seeks to explore, promote and champion a variety of cottage industries, handloom techniques and newer art forms, among them Sitalpith, brass and bell metal works, ivory, woodwork, Sholapith, pottery and fiber craft, as well as cane and bamboo products; traditional handcrafted masks; gold and gold-plated jewellery such as earrings, necklaces, armlets and bracelets; dolls; toys of straw and clay; and mats made from spongy reeds.. Click on the link and see our article

Yes!poho Celebrating 5 Years of its Inception – The Week
October 06, 2022
Yes!poho takes the occasion of celebrating its 5 years of aiding the life of artists by connecting them to the right customers by partnering with the North Eastern Handicrafts & Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd. (NEHHDC) in order to uplift the livelihoods of artisans and showcase their beautiful creations across India and the world. The main objective of the collaboration is to encourage and enable rural artisans to start or grow their own businesses, and help them transition their operations to an e-commerce platform.. Click on the link and see our article

A New Social E-Commerce Start-Up Aims To Revolutionise The Handicrafts Industry
September 08, 2022
Artisans across the country offer a range of merchandise that display traditional aesthetics while championing craftsmanship. The disconnect between urban consumers and local artisans often creates a gap impacting the handloom and handicraft industry. With the intent to improve the livelihood and social-economic conditions of the craftsman, a Visakhapatnam-based startup has introduced a one-of-a-kind techno-experience social platform — Yes!poho. Connecting artisans and weavers directly with their customers around the country, Yes!poho allows buyers easy access to a wide range of ethnic wear while providing a space for them to modify or customize the product as per their requirements. The platform obtains its ethnic designer dresses from all corners of India, representing the vibrant artistry of the crafts sector that often goes missing in most urban e-commerce spaces. It addresses the recurring issue of limited choices as well as the frustration caused due to the lack of price transparency and authenticity. The platform was launched to create a truly personalized experience via a single social platform. Yes!poho is reviving the handloom sector while preserving a vibrant expression of Indian culture and preventing the country’s second-oldest industry from becoming extinct. Click on the link and see our article

Vocal For Local: Spotlighting 3 Women-Led Brands In International Streetwear, Women’s Ethnic Wear & Vegan Footwear
August 10, 2022
New wave of ‘vocal for local’ has proven to be a boost for Indian entrepreneurs. It has promoted local businesses and given customers the ability and motivation to shop with ease. This rebranded version of ‘Made In India’ has our support, and every week, TC46 spotlights small businesses and ventures you can champion and support easily through online and offline purchases What we absolutely love is that women have come out of the shadows of oblivion, and how! They are making their presence felt everywhere, and have made headway into male-dominated spheres that were once considered to be out of bounds. One such challenge is entrepreneurship. Click on the link and see our article

Fashion forward: Stylishly sustainable and upcycled
June 12, 2022
At the London Fashion Week earlier this year, Spanish designer Javier Aparici showcased Sohuman, a sustainable fashion and accessories brand that is a favourite among popular artistes such as Beyonce and Rita Ora. British menswear designer Bethany Williams and Ireland’s Richard Malone were also part of the showcase. While Williams’ materials included abandoned festival tents for garments and book waste for bags, Malone’s creations featured fragments of materials including scrap leather Click on the link and see our article

Yes!poho: Weaving a growth story for the handloom industry
July 24, 2022
Yes!poho is an experience-based social platform that connects handloom artisans and customers directly using technology. Its technology layer helps cut down the intermediaries involved in the supply chain, improving the artisan incomes. Read its success story to know how it has impacted the weaving community positively. Click on the link and see our article

Yes!poho Travels… To Uppada
September 05, 2018
Located in Andhra Pradesh, Uppada is a sleepy little village that faces the Bay of Bengal. Famous for its beach, it’s just a couple of kilometers from Kakinada; that means you can grab a famous Kakinada Kaja and still see a gorgeous sunset. However, Uppada’s most famous sight is human-made: it’s the light and elegant Uppada Saree…

Yes!poho Travels… To Coimbatore And Trivandrum
September 09, 2018
Before we meet a potential Yes!poho Partner—we set some goals. The most important of which is to identity our partners’ pain point. If Yes!poho makes the lives of the weaver or artisan better, then we welcome them with open arms as an official Yes!poho Partner. Remember, if you’re not making a positive difference, then you’re doing something wrong.

Connecting Craftsmen To Consumers – Yes!poho
January 28, 2019
Yespoho, a startup firm launched in India to work directly with India’s craftsman – Weavers, artisans for the betterment of the economic status. It is World’s 1st Technoexperience social platform connecting weavers, artisans to consumers directly. Yespoho employs local talent from its village partners to join their work force…

Yes!poho Bids To Improve Lives Of Poor Weavers, Artisans
February 21, 2019
Yes!poho, India’s first techno-experience social platform connecting artisans and weavers with customers directly, plans to expand to several villages this year to bring a change in the lives of some of the poorest craftsmen who barely earn Rs. 50 a day. Yes!poho India, a subsidiary of Yes!poho Inc USA, was launched in 2018 as a start-up to work directly with craftsmen, including weavers and artisans, for the betterment of their economic status. It is funded by Vatsacapital, a US-based venture capital firm, which holds about 55 per cent of equity…

Draping The World, 6 Yards At A Time
March 22, 2019
With over 100,000 artisan woven canvases, Yes!poho is ambitious to stitch the digital gap of India handloom industry…

Yes!poho Travels… To Machilipatnam
April 01, 2019
Located in Andhra Pradesh, Machilipattnam, also known as Masulipatnam and Bandar, is a town in Krishna district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is a municipal corporation and the administrative headquarters of Krishnadistrictis a sleepy little village that faces the Bay of Bengal. The ancient port town served as the settlement of European traders from the 16th century, and it was a major trading port for the British, Dutch and French in the seventeenth century. Famous not only for its beaches, but Machilipatnam is famous for its handloom industry, which produces Kalamkari textiles.

Visakhapatnam Based Yes!poho Is Bringing Weavers And shoppers Together, One Saree At A Time
May 22, 2019
There is a romance and elegance to the saree that no other piece of clothing can match – yes, we’ve all heard this before, and while sarees made up a majority of our moms and grannys’ wardrobe, fast fashion found the saree losing favour. But that’s changing. Increasingly, women are taking to the saree as corporate and casual wear, and even making wearing it trendy (remember the 100saree challenge?) There, however, remains one big problem – the originality and quality of the sarees…

The Optimist Yes!poho: Where Artisans Of India Meet Consumers! | The Optimist
June 21, 2021
Yes!poho Launches a new program called “Yes!poho Affiliate – Earn while you Sleep”, the first of its kind in India. This onlne program assists affiliates to earn additional income in their spare time. Raghuram Kuchibhatla, Founder Yes!poho said, “Yes!poho plans to expand this program across the globe in six months. Yes!poho Affiliate program also plans to build individual websites for each of their affiliates in the future and help them in all marketing activities. Yes!poho is continuously expanding their weaver base and plans to onboard atleast fifty weavers by end of 2019. In addition, Yes!poho is also planning to enter into other product lines to bring on new artisans such as Jewelry…

Yes!poho Launches A New Program Called “Yes!poho Affiliate”
August 05, 2019
Yes!poho Launches a new program called “Yes!poho Affiliate – Earn while you Sleep”, the first of its kind in India. This onlne program assists affiliates to earn additional income in their spare time. Raghuram Kuchibhatla, Founder Yes!poho said, “Yes!poho plans to expand this program across the globe in six months. Yes!poho Affiliate program also plans to build individual websites for each of their affiliates in the future and help them in all marketing activities. Yes!poho is continuously expanding their weaver base and plans to onboard atleast fifty weavers by end of 2019. In addition, Yes!poho is also planning to enter into other product lines to bring on new artisans such as Jewelry

Yes!poho Opens Stores In Southern India
September 26, 2019
Yes!poho launched an ‘Offline Business Initiative’ service to partner with local stores to increase its offline presence and to showcase it’s weavers products.As the first step in this initiative, Yes!poho partnered with a hotel owner in Tirupati; one boutique store in Visakhapatnam, and two boutique stores in Hyderabad stores. Yes!poho offline business service group has plans on expanding its service offering throughout India.Yes!poho’s core principle is a win-win-win for all participants on the platform and this is just one way Yes!poho is showcasing artisans’ work to the entire world.While Yes!poho’s offline affiliate program is available across the world, the online program is available in India only.

Yes!poho Opens Stores In Southern India
September 26, 2019
Yes!poho launched an ‘Offline Business Initiative’ service to partner with local stores to increase its offline presence and to showcase it’s weavers products.As the first step in this initiative, Yes!poho partnered with a hotel owner in Tirupati; one boutique store in Visakhapatnam, and two boutique stores in Hyderabad stores. Yes!poho offline business service group has plans on expanding its service offering throughout India.Yes!poho’s core principle is a win-win-win for all participants on the platform and this is just one way Yes!poho is showcasing artisans’ work to the entire world.While Yes!poho’s offline affiliate program is available across the world, the online program is available in India only.

Yes!poho- The Hottest Start-up in Hyderabad.
November 06, 2020
Hyderabad Software Enterprises Association organized the 28th edition of the Annual HYSEA summit- HYSEA Innovation Summit 2020. HYSEA summit is known as the most prestigious industrial event in the city which showcases the innovative ideas, booming start-up and ecosystem. More than 200 IT industry leaders, more than 1000 delegates and 170+ start-ups attended the event virtually. Conferences, product expo and annual industry awards were featured in the summit. Celebrating the ‘Win the New Normal’ event was organised in both virtual and physical mode. Only 100 people were allowed for the physical award event. Hyderabad’s hottest 10 startups were introduced five years ago by HYSEA. Yes!poho was awarded as one of the hottest startups for 2020.Yes!poho is known for connecting artisans and weavers directly to the customers which have become the talk of the show. This is just a start for Yes!poho there are many more milestones in the year to come. Yes!poho named as top 10 startups in Hyderabad by HYSEA Click on the link and see our article:

New Partners Onboarded Gopalpur, Orissa
April 06, 2021
A land suited on the bank of Brahmani river, popularly known for its yummy pickles and exquisite hand-woven Tussar silk textile. One of the leading producer groups of India which is older than 400 years and associated with one of the greatest saints Shri Chaitanya. The artisan of Gopalpur has started with weaving the cotton fabric but in 1972 due to the destruction of looms, everything ended up providing low cost with superior quality. Tussar yarn to Tussar sarees is the magical process that these skilled and very talented weavers bring to us.

Partnership with Antaran, A Tata Trust
April 06, 2021
Yes!poho has been honoured to join hands with Antaran foundation in April 2021 in connecting the weavers all over India. Yes!poho is working in the direction to showcase the Indian skill, empowering weavers, awareness of traditional and handmade products to create a better experience for the customers. Antaran, A tata trust is the handicraft sector, working with the same motives of empowerment, and facing the same problem Tata trust has been working on creating better opportunities for the weavers and artisans. Antaran and Yes!poho have tried to create better opportunities for the weavers and artisans of India and solve the problem that the country’s largest sector faces despite having all the skill and expertise. The handicraft sector needs to push in the way that the world knows what is real in India. For more visit:

Threads of Hope
May 05, 2021
Yes!poho began its journey with the handloom clusters of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and expanded across the Northeast, North, West, and Northwest of India. Currently, Yes!poho has over 200 artisans and the social platform has over 1.50 lakh customers from North America, Europe, West Asia, Australia, and South Africa.’ Read more about the Yes!poho in ‘The Hindu’: Click on the link and see our article:

Yes!poho Initiates Medical Drive to Support Artisans During COVID19 Crisis
May 26, 2021
New Delhi, 25 May 2021: Yes!poho, a TechnoExperience social platform that connects artisans and weavers with their customers directly starts a medical drive amidst the COVID19 pandemic. The objective behind this drive is to support and educate the artisans across the country about the high levels of circulating virus during the second wave. With this medical drive Yes!poho aims to purchase 1,000 basic medical kits worth Rs 1200/kit, comprising a thermometer (Rs 250/unit); an oximeter (Rs 750/Unit) and a strip of Paracetamol (Rs 30/Unit) to guard those villages and artisans whose lives are already at their lowest socio-economic levels.

Yes!poho witnesses 100 percent YOY growth since its inception
December 18, 2021
Yes!poho, a TechnoExperience social platform created a milestone and witnessed a significant growth of over 100 per cent year-over-year since its launch. The platform was introduced with an idea to improve the livelihood and socio-economic conditions of Artisans and with that vision, they created a technology-based engagement platform whereby artisans and weavers directly engage, interact with buyers in delivering brilliance and standing strong with their motto.

Yes!poho Opens Stores In Bangalore
February 04, 2022
Yes!poho helps partners and guests with a better experience online and now is available offline in Bangalore. Bringing all the handmade products from every part of India Yes!poho is connecting the culture with the trends. Huge women wear a range including sarees, kurtas, dupatta, jewellery and many more with men wearing jeans and t-shirts. Not only these, but this is also everything for everyone in the store. Yes!poho starred in 2017 with the dream and vision of connecting all the weavers/artisans from all over India and providing them with the space where they can earn and showcase the culture of India. These products are unique in the way they are made. Handweaving provides special softness, texture and design. “Yes!poho plans to expand this program across India with over 100 stores by end of April 2022. Yes!poho’s affiliate partners will get the products directly from weavers and artisans, cutting all middlemen, thereby benefiting weavers, partners and end customers. In addition, Yes!poho is also planning to enter into other product lines to bring on new artisans such as footwear etc”, said Raghuram Kuchibhatla, Founder Yes!poho.

Supporting Rural Villagers to Sell Handmade Crafts and Products
June 22, 2022
India leads in the handcrafted product market. Rural areas in India have a huge contribution to the manufacturing of handmade crafts and products. People in villages are highly skilled in crafting. They have started their small businesses and customers are quite satisfied with them. Still, their reach is quite limited. Even after the huge transformation has been seen in the digital world, villagers lack the awareness to promote & sell their products effectively. Click on the link and see our article